
November 19, 2019

Remind Yourself of "Why"

Before you try to make a change in your life, you have to make sure you know why you're doing it first.
Are you happy with your life and happy with where you are today? Are you happy but could be even happier with some kind of change? Figure out WHY you want to make that change.
It could be for your own enjoyment of life, your family or other relationships, for finances, or for your job.
Once you figure out what's going to inspire you, then you're going to be able to move in a direction towards change.

November 16, 2019

Add Gratitude to Your Life

"I have a simple gratitude habit that I have been following nearly every day for three years. When I sit down to eat dinner, I say one thing that I am grateful for happening today.
Why does it work?
1. It is a good idea to force yourself into a positive frame of mind at least once per day.
2. The individual impact of any one piece of gratitude is small, but the cumulative effect is huge.
3. You start to realize how insignificant monetary things are for your day-to-day happiness.
4. I have stuck with the habit because it is stupidly small.
5. I have stuck with the habit because it is perfectly tied to another behavior - eating dinner."

November 15, 2019

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

When people think about chiropractic they typically think about adjustments being made to the spine.
But did you know that chiropractic was originally based on getting people healthy through trauma, thoughts and toxins? Reducing physical stress, getting people moving better, reducing mental stress, getting people to be happier, and then removing toxins through nutrition and through our environment are all ways to help people get healthier.
The foundation of chiropractic is improving total health, and that foundation has never been more important than it is today.

November 9, 2019

The Science Behind Gratitude

"The benefits of practicing gratitude are nearly endless. People who regularly practice gratitude by taking time to notice and reflect upon the things they're thankful for experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems.
And gratitude doesn't need to be reserved only for momentous occasions: Sure, you might express gratitude after receiving a promotion at work, but you can also be thankful for something as simple as a delicious piece of pie."

November 1, 2019

Stop Eating Cereal for Breakfast

Stop eating sugary cereal for breakfast!
Cereal is not healthy and should be treated as a dessert, even Kellogg agrees!