
April 29, 2019

Chiropractic Care Reduces Opioid Scripts

Wow, almost a 50% reduction in opioid scripts! Please share!
Legally prescribed opioids can ruin lives extremely fast. I never realized how huge of a problem opioid addiction was until I started seeing patients in practice. AND IT'S A MASSIVE PROBLEM and deviating for those dealing with it along with their families.
Yes, there is a time and place for powerful medications like this (metastatic type cancers, repeat failed osteopathic type surgeries, etc.) however just going to the doctor with general pain and not trying chiropractic, PT, anti-inflammatory supplements or anything else natural first is NOT the time for these medications. The risk of getting addicted after a short period is extremely high.
The Yale School of Medicine revealed that “patients who visited a chiropractor for a musculoskeletal pain condition were 49 percent less likely to receive an opioid prescription than their counterparts who went to other healthcare providers.”
Nobody wants to be in pain but starting with the most aggressive route first is never the answer!
1. Get your body moving better, proper movement reduces pain and accelerates healing. Work with a professional to guide you.
2. Reduce processed/inflammatory foods, they are inflammatory and cause physical pain.
3. Take anti-inflammatory supplements that are right for your specific problems.
4. Sleep more, this is when your body heals.
5. Meditate and reduce mental stress. Mental stress causes increased inflammation which causes physical pain.

Choose Healthy Breakfast

Would you give your kids a glazed donut every morning as their breakfast?
The majority of parents would say definitely not -- but many of them don't realize that the bowl of cereal their kids eat instead often has the same amount of sugar and nutritional value as a doughnut.
Recently on NBC’s Today Show, nutritionists studied the surprising amount of sugar in breakfast cereals and healthier alternatives. Cereals are full of sugar – and it is mostly brands marketed to kids that have the highest amounts. Reports show there is more sugar in some cereals than there is in a glazed doughnut.
A new study found many breakfast cereals for kids are loaded with 50 percent sugar. Those that top the list are Post Golden Grahams and Kellogg’s Honey Smacks.
One of the reasons we tell people to avoid grains is because they often serve as a "vehicle" for additional sugar.
Start giving your kids other options for breakfast. Why do we typically eat so much cereal for breakfast? Because it is convenient and marketed as a breakfast food. But is it best for us and our kids? No.
Healthy, fast and affordable breakfast meals include a vegetable omelet, a fruit filled whey protein shake or an egg. Your kids will feel better and be healthier!

April 28, 2019

Almond Flour Crepes

Making Sunday breakfast for the family? Try these blueberry crepes! 

Eating healthy doesn't mean eating food that doesn't taste good. Most people should be eating 100 grams or less of net carbs per day. (Total carbs - Fiber = Net Carbs) 

Replacing flour with almond flour is a simple way to reduce net carbs and still make delicious breakfasts. 

4 eggs
½ cup almond flour
¼ cup water
1 teaspoon cinnamon

Mix all ingredients together, heat pan on medium with coconut oil. Add crepe mixture and cook for one minute on each side or until brown.

Remove crepe from pan, load it up with blueberries and roll it up, add a few blueberries and sprinkle cinnamon on top!

April 26, 2019

How To Quit Grains

This month we're talking about why you should go grain-free.
Here's a great article from Mark's Daily Apple about HOW:

April 22, 2019

Go Grain Free

“Researchers have known for some time now that the cornerstone of all degenerative conditions, including brain disorders, is inflammation. But what they didn’t have documented until now are the instigators of that inflammation—the first missteps that prompt this deadly reaction. And what they are finding is that gluten, and a high-carbohydrate diet for that matter, are among the most prominent stimulators of inflammatory pathways that reach the brain.”

― David Perlmutter, Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar--Your Brain's Silent Killers

April 19, 2019

Poop 101

Let's talk about poop.
Snickering aside, what comes out of our bodies can be an indicator as to what's happening inside our bodies, and here's a great guide on Robb Wolf's site by Ben Greenfield about signs, symptoms, and health-minded strategies for eating.

April 18, 2019

Food and Depression

                                Feeling depressed? It might help to look at what you’re eating.


April 16, 2019

Sleep Myths

New study looks at five sleep myths:
1. You can get by on less than five hours of sleep
2. Snoring is harmless
3. Booze before bed boosts sleep quality 
4. Watching TV helps you unwind
5. Snoozing your alarm isn't that bad for you

April 15, 2019

Good Vibes are Contagious

We talk about how a positive mental outlook improves your physical health, but let’s take it one step further...
It can improve the health of the people around you, as well

The Benefits of Grass-fed Butter

Butter was given a bad rap in the 1950s when Americans started their fat-phobia phase. This inspired a common, but untrue, belief has been that butter causes heart disease, cancer and obesity.
But if this were true, how would some of the world's healthiest populations have always had butter as a continuous staple in their diet? It just doesn't make sense, or does it?
There is a huge difference between grass-fed cow's butter and grain-fed cow's butter. It is like calling a golf cart and a Cadillac the same thing just because they both have a motor.
Cows are meant to eat grass. When they eat grass, they are healthy and produce healthy butter. It also means they are getting exercise and living in an environment that they should be living in. Grain-fed cows are fed an unnatural diet, typically don't have much room to move around and are at a higher risk for disease. This, in many cases, causes acidosis in the cow leading to liver problems, nutrient absorption issues, digestive problems, dehydration and many other issues that can be fatal. Grain-fed cows do not produce healthy butter.
One of the main differences between grass-fed butter and grain-fed butter is the Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratio. When you have more Omega-3's compared to Omega-6's, it helps to reduce inflammation. Grains increase the amount of the unhealthy Omega-6's leading to excess inflammation. Cows that are fed grass have 50 percent of their fat in the healthy Omega-3 form, while cows fed grains have almost none. This makes grain-fed butter very inflammatory, potentially leading to many health issues from fibromyalgia to cancer.
Eating grass-fed butter on a regular basis can have many health benefits:
• Full of Omega-3s: reduces inflammation, therefore reducing pain and disease.
• High in CLA: has been shown to help with weight loss and to prevent cancer.
• Contains Vitamin A: provides positive benefits for your eye health. Vitamin A is what gives grass fed butter the bright yellow color.
The next time someone tries to tell you butter is bad for you, you are welcome to teach them about the differences between grass-fed and grain-fed cows. And don't even get me started about margarine and other fake butter... it is even worse than butter from grain-fed cows.

April 11, 2019

Sitting Is Killing Us

Weightlifting, Zumba, running, Peloton, walking...whatever you’re into, move every day!

April 5, 2019

The Truth About Grains

"What are the benefits of eating grains? I don’t know, you tell me. My old classmates would probably tell you that they’re nutrient dense and packed with fiber. To which I ask:
'Compared to what?'
Grains are actually nutrient defunct compared to meat, nuts & seeds, and vegetables.
Conventional wisdom says the fiber in whole grains keeps us regular, and this prevents colon cancer, right?
It also lower cholesterol, and this prevents heart disease, right?
Sorry to burst your bubble, but you’re at risk of heart disease and colon cancer because you’re fat and inflamed. And the reason you’re fat and inflamed is because you listened to the government that told you to eat less meat and saturated fat and start stuffing your gullet with 6-11 servings of whole grains.
Meanwhile, there’s no association between fiber intake and colon cancer. This was concluded in a study from 1999 in the New England Journal of Medicine based on data from 89,000 Nurses:[xi]
'Our data does not support the existence of an important protective effect of dietary fiber against colorectal cancer or adenoma.'
And it’s the same story with heart disease."
To read more about "the upside to grains", follow the link.

April 4, 2019

Good Fats and Bad Fats

Eating good kinds of fat is an important part of healthy eating. Healthy fats lower the risk of heart disease, decrease inflammation, help create healthy cell membranes, and stabilize hormone levels.
But sometimes just looking at labels, it’s hard to tell what is a “good fat” and what is a “bad fat."
Here’s a little cheat sheet:
Bad fats:
Vegetable oil
Hydrogenated oil
Sunflower oil
Cottonseed oil
Soybean oil
Corn oil
Canola Oil
Good fats:
Coconut oil
Olive oil
Grass Fed Butter
Wild caught fish
Grass fed meats
Raw tree nuts