
August 24, 2017

Eat Wild

If you haven't ever checked out the website: take a minute to check it out. 
Eating local is healthier and it keeps money in our community. 
3 farms listed on this website close to the Great Lakes Bay Region are: 
Joe's Grass Fed Beef
Located in Standish but they sell from Bridgeport:
For anyone else outside of the Great Lake's Bay Region, take a few minutes to find a local farmer near!

August 16, 2017

Job opening - Therapy Technician in Midland

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August 15, 2017

'What the Health' - Where This Vegan PR Film Went Wrong

I have had quite a few people ask me my thoughts on the new Netflix movie "What the Health" the past few weeks and told me that they are considering going vegan after watching it. 
1. I am not an advocate of a vegan diet for many reasons and this movie is pushing that diet hard. This type of diet misses out on many essential nutrients you can't get unless you are eating some level of animal protein. 
2. When you remove animal proteins and fats you replace them with lots of carbs so you can get enough calories which are turned into sugar and stored on the body as fat. It's very hard to eat a diet almost completely of carbs long term and keep your metabolism and health under control. 
3. Many carbs besides fruits and vegetables are very inflammatory, aka they have a high Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio. Eating them long term will cause inflammation and eventually health problems. 

The link below on Dr. Joseph Mercola's website has a longer overview of the movie, that I generally agree with

Click here: